Our Programs
Our Opportunity to change lives together through Rose CGI’s Education Assistance Programs.
Data on Street and Urban Working Children in Cebu City
Profiled 723 street and urban working children
- 44% are in-school but parents can barely provide the basic needs so that the children will go to classes regularly
- 56% are out-of-school
Type of activity on the streets
- Begging (56%), Loitering (20%) ! families lives on the street, Vending (13%), Scavenging (5%), Caroling (3%) and Watch-Your-Car (3%)
Reasons why children are on the Streets
- Earn a living.
- Food for family
- Jobless parents
- Large family size
- Food for school
- School needs
- Neglected/abandoned
- Family lives on the street
- Peer influences

Rose CGI
What we do
1. Implement Street Education Classes
- Through this program, children are given functional literacy skills, values and spiritual formation, alternative learning sessions, life skills and nutrition.
- Prepare children for integration/reintegration into formal education at the appropriate level.
- Street Educators are fielded in selected disparity areas and gather street children 4-8 years old.
- Provide nutritious food to the children while holding classes Monday to Friday

2. Provide Formal Educational Assistance to former Street Education Class students.
- Assist the children once they proceed or are reintegrated back into Formal Schooling.
- The assistance includes school uniforms, school supplies, payment of school fees, a food allowance and summer camp.

Thoughts ?