Jamaica is 17 years old and is a graduating Senior High School Student in Mabolo National High School, Cebu City. Her family is an informal settler along the Mahiga Creek in Barangay Mabolo, Cebu City. Her father died sometime in 2011 and left their mother to take care of her and 8 other siblings. The place they live were demolished a number of times already but still decided to live in the area as they have no other place to go.
It was year 2007 that she was able to attend the Street Education Class, a program implemented by Rose CGI’s partner – The Children of Cebu Foundation, Inc. in the area which primarily aimed to prevent children to roam around the streets and provide them functional literacy and values formation. After a year of attending the street education class, she proceeded to formal education (Grade 1) and since then, she received the continuing support afforded by Rose CGI on her educational needs. She was once one of those kids that were highly vulnerable to the many forms of abuse and exploitation and becoming full time street children.
She said that, “I am motivated to pursue my ambition in life as Rose CGI’s help provides a flow of direction in my life. Looking back and my family’s hardship, our future is so uncertain but because of the support, I am almost there to reach my dream.” Next school year, Jamaica will become a freshman college student and hoped to enrol an Accountancy course.