Weight of Life
Sharing the love for children through supplementary feeding project called Weight of Life. Sadly, malnutrition is still prevalent in Boracay Island, we want children who are energized and are active in school, eating healthy meals and not junk foods. Thanks to...

Starting 2024 Big!
Starting 2024 Big! The community gathered around our Project REDEEM Session in Sitio Bolabog, the children, adults and even the elderlies enjoyed learning how to save lives through CPR and First Aid. They also received Hygiene kits and rice to sustain them for a...

Life saving skills- our gift to the community
Life saving skills- our gift to the community this Holiday season! Through project REDEEM, Rose Colored Glasses International in partnership Philippine Red Cross Boracay-Malay Chapter are unwrapping knowledge on CPR, Basic First Aid and Hygiene promotion to Brgy....

Weight of Life end of year
Weight of Life end of year This is how the December feeding ended before the School's Christmas break. "Weight of Life: A Supplementary Feeding Project for the Children of Manocmanoc" in partnership with Rose Colored Glasses International, Philippine Red Cross...

EMERGENCIES CAN HAPPEN ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, AND TO ANYONE. On November 24, 2023, the Philippine Red Cross Boracay-Malay Chapter conducted first aid and basic life support training for the parents of Yapak ES. The training was officiated by Ms. Maria Lourdes Oumanetz and...
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